Sunday, May 30, 2004

Dave Winer's RSS Blog

This is cool. A blog about RSS for non techies.

RSS is...

1. A format.

2. Content management tools that generate feeds in the format.

3. Aggregators and readers that subscribe to the feeds.

4. Search engines and utilities that crunch the information and ideas.

5. Services from technology companies like Microsoft and Apple.

6. Authoritative publications like the BBC, The New York Times, CNET, InfoWorld, PC World, Time, Wired, Salon, Yahoo, Reuters -- that distribute news and opinion in RSS.

7. Many thousands of weblogs covering virtually every aspect of life on this planet.

8. A vast and growing community of thinkers, writers, educators, public servants, and technologists.

That's a great way to put it.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

These are a few of my favorite things....

Oh man. Bloglines, Gmail, and WiFi are all making my life much easier right now and making this summer spent at home (for the most part) relatively decent.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Changed My Mind

I decided I love Bloglines. Check out Danny's post about it. The Mozilla tools rock. Hard. I got my router working with the DSL at my house so no more library computers for me. Sweet.

Lack of Posting

If anyone actually reads this and is wondering about the lack of posts, it's because I'm currently using a library computer for internet access and I don't have access to my RSS feeds, which is where I get all the cool bits of information and random stuff. I've tried using Bloglines, but I couldn't get my OPML file of my laptop to import all my feeds and for someone reason it wouldn't display half the feeds I subscribed to. It could just be that this computer is handicapped. Who knows? Anyway, that is what is going on.

All Right....

I got a Gmail account. That's freaking awesome. Thanks Blogger!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

That's, like, your opinion man......

I finally got around to buying The Big Lebowski on DVD awhile ago and finally got around to watching it a couple days ago. Anyway, I love this movie. My VHS copy is practically worn out. I wish the Coen's would come out with a special edition with a commentary, deleted scenes, and stuff like that. Why can't they do that right away? I guess it's so suckers like me buy DVD's multiple times. Yeah, I'm guilty of doing it. Speaking of, there's going to be an awesome Clerks 10th anniversary set coming out later this year. Lots of great stuff on it, a total of THREE discs. I'm pumped. Jersey Girl is coming out at the end of August, but most likely September. Kevin already said it's not going to be the original cut of the film and it will only have a few extras. A loaded VA edition will be released in a year or so. All right, enough of my DVD geek talk. Someone get me a Gmail account now and I'll buy you a cookie.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Want to Have Some Nightmares?

Don't click me if you don't want to scream in fright. As George would say, "Moses smell the roses." Or just plain "Holy crap!" will do here.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

How to Survive an Alligator Attack

Yahoo! News - Boy Punches Alligator and Escapes

Just punch the stinking thing. And who knows, you too might end up on the Today show and making national headlines. Then someone with nothing better to do will blog about it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Testing w.bloggar

There's a great blog tool I've been using for over a year. It's called w.bloggar. I'm testing out how well it works with the new and imrpoved Blogger. I'm sure it will be fine.

Blockquotes are really easy with w.bloggar.
I'm currently watching Super Millionare. I love how they make the first tier of questions super easy and then they jack up the difficulty level big time. A guy made it to $100,000 the other night and blew the $500,000 question. Did you know that Dante was the inspiration for The Thinker? I do now.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

We're All Going to Die Update

Asimo lives! At least he can't really do stuff on his own yet. Once that happens, we're all in trouble. I think the millions of armies in the battle of Armageddon are going to be largely composed of Asimos. Just a theory.

Open Source Myths

Debunking Common GNU/Linux Myths :: The Jem Report :: The Internet's Best Computer Review Site:

"Do you really get what you pay for? I have a worthless empty wine bottle here next to my desk that I'll sell you for US$50,000. If you buy it, would you get your money's worth? Some might say that the empty wine bottle, of no intrinsic monetary value, was overpriced -- and they'd be correct. But what if I gave you the bottle for free? Would it then be worth less than when I was charging $50,000 for it? Would it be less useful?"

This is a really cool article that talks about some of the common myths and oppositions to Linux and Open Source. I'm still waiting for a more user friendly desktop BSD.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

gMail accounts

So some Blogger users are getting gMail accounts. I didn't get one. I've been using Blogger for two years. Oh well. It looks like is already taken anyway. So I need to come up with some cool username when I can get an account. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Friday, May 14, 2004

E3 Report

Live from E3: Day three

Check out all the cool gadgets from E3.  Lots of add-ons for the GBA.  I might get a GBA SP before I leave for China since you can do so much cool stuff for it.  Just something I'm thinking about.  Anyway, I'm also testing out the blogging app in NewzCrawler. Looks to be working quite well.

[via Engadget]

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Block Quotes

Let's see how block quotes look on here.

This is my blockquote. I don't have anything cool to quote right now so I'm just making this up as I go.

How was that?

Update: I think it looks pretty darn cool.

Rss Readers

Rss Readers: "Here is a directory of RSS readers, which are used to scan or read many sites at once. They are part of RssSyndication; you use them to read RssFeeds, either just the headlines, or the headlines and a short description (or even the whole text) of each item. You can click on any item to see it in it's regular web page context. Some readers use a web interface, some are a desktop program, separate from your web browser. Some readers let you easily post what you're reading to your own weblog (AutoBlogging). chongqing wikiNote: This page can be edited by anyone (click on 'EditText' at the bottom), to add a new RSS reader, fix a link on an old one, or whatever (this is a WikiWiki after all)."

I'm still looking for the perfect RSS Reader. Right now I'm settling with NewzCrawler, but I can't get their built in blogging app to work with my MT blog. FeedDemon is probably my fave, but it is a little on the expensive side (i.e. not free).

We're All Going To Die

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Tiny robot walker made from DNA

Don't mind me, I'm just afraid of robots.

Grab Life By The Horns

I don't really know what I'm going to do with this. I just wanted to give the new Blogger a whirl. It looks pretty nifty. I used to run my main blog with Blogger, but then I got my own hosting and preferred running my blog tool on my own server, which Blogger doesn't allow. So I use Movable Type. Things were fine with this for almost two years. But now all is not well. Six Apart is charging a pretty ridiculous amount for a decent MT 3.0 license. I actually really like MT 3.0. I even helped test it out. I just can't afford that much money to upgrade with the amount of blogs and authors I have. So right now we're staying with what we got. We'll see what happens.